


元旦手抄报文字摘抄 篇1

Another year has passed, and a new year has come to us. My mother and I cleaned our house clean and decorated it beautifully the day before yesterday.

Yesterday, my mother bought many candies and melon seeds on the street. My dad and I were very happy to see it. I ate a lot of sugar, but my mom didnt allow me to eat it. Mom said: Eating too much will lead to tooth decay, but I want to eat. When Mom is not paying attention, I quietly put two in my bag, and my mouth is tired from eating. Its really nice to celebrate the Chinese New Year!



元旦手抄报文字摘抄 篇2

Spring Festival is one of the most important festival in China.

I spend the time with my family and relatives in Beijing, in which we do many activities. At the important time, we group together watching TV shows and enjoy every single second we are together. Normally, we play cards, cook food, hangout with friends, play with firework, and develop good relationship with relatives.

Without a doubt, Chinese spring festival is one of the most important festivals in China, which allow us to get our mind off the busy work and study.




元旦手抄报文字摘抄 篇3

In the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi, there are legends and stories about the New Year circulating among the people.

Legend has it that the Jade Emperor, in order to govern the world, sent Maitreya Buddha from the Heavenly Palace to the mortal world. This matter was discovered by the Tathagata Buddha, and he thought to himself, "I am the Buddha Lord. Why dont I go?"? So, he approached the Jade Emperor to reason. Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor was speechless and had no choice but to say, "Lets talk about it.". Kong Zi, the Jade Emperor came up with a solution to overcome the situation.

He invited Maitreya Buddha and Tathagata Buddha, placed two pots of flowers in front of the two Buddhas, and said, "You two should each take care of one pot of these two pots of flowers. Whoever blooms first will go down to earth to manage the world." The Tathagata Buddha had many eyes and ideas, and knew that the Jade Emperor must lean towards Maitreya Buddha because he guessed that the Jade Emperor was afraid that it would be difficult to accept his words, so he used the flower as an excuse to do this. The two pots of flowers in front of him were probably secretly arranged by the Jade Emperor, so he came up with a small plan. He took the opportunity of Maitreya Buddhas eyes to express gratitude and quietly changed the positions of the two pots of flowers. The next day, the flowers of the Tathagata Buddha bloomed, so Maitreya Buddha only managed the human world for one day, which was the first day of the first lunar month. Legend has it that Maitreya Buddha has a kind heart. On this day, he made people eat, dress, sleep well, so on the first day of the first lunar month, people celebrated the day with joy and joy.

Later, in order to commemorate Maitreya Buddha, people referred to the moment of the handover of the two Buddhas in early spring as the "New Year". Some people say that because in the past, the Tathagata Buddha caused blindness by changing flower pots, and even now, there are still cases of petty theft in the human world.



他请来弥勒佛和如来佛,将两盆花放在二佛面前,说:“这两盆花你二位各务一盆,谁的`花先开,谁就下凡去管理人间。”如来佛心眼多,点子稠,知道玉帝一定偏向弥勒佛,因为他猜到玉帝怕出口之言难收,才以务花为借口来行此事。面前这两盆花,恐怕玉帝已暗地作了安排,于是也想出个小计来。他借弥勒佛合目谢恩的机会,悄悄地把两盆花换了个位置。第二天,如来佛的花就开了,因此弥勒佛只管了一天人间,这天就是正月初一。传说弥勒佛心善,这天他让人们吃好穿好睡好,因而正月初一人们就欢欢喜喜,兴高彩烈的过了一天。[作文5000网 M.zW5000.coM]





