


1、The sound of cicadas echoing in the still night air reminds me of the sweetness and warmth of your love.

2、The sound of the river flowing nearby echoes the rhythm of my heart, beating steadily, reminding me of how much I love you.

3、The rustling of the leaves in the gentle breeze is like the soft whispers of your love, comforting and reassuring.

4、The twinkle in your eye is like a star in the sky, brimming with warmth and joy and love.


6、As I gaze up at the stars, I am filled with a sense of awe and wonder at the power and majesty of the universe, and the power and majesty of our love.

7、As I look up at the stars, I am reminded of the infinite possibilities and opportunities that life has to offer, thanks to the love we share.


9、Qixi is a celebration of the love and devotion that we vow to each other.

10、The stars are twinkling in the clear sky on the night of Qixi.


12、Your love is like a shooting star, blazing bright and true, leaving a trail of light and warmth behind as it streaks across the universe.

13、On Qixi, as the stars shine bright, our love shines even brighter.

14、The stars are out tonight, twinkling and shining like tiny diamonds in the sky, a perfect backdrop for our love on this romantic night.

15、Your love is like a beacon, shining bright and true, guiding me through the darkness and into the light.

16、Qixi, the night of love, is when we feel the most alive.



19、Qixi is an opportunity to express our love with grand gestures or with simple words.


21、Our love has the power to shine as bright as the stars in the night sky on Qixi.


23、On Qixi, we are reminded that love is not only about passion, but also about commitment and sacrifice.

24、On Qixi, two hearts beat as one and two souls become intertwined.


26、Qixi is a day when the hearts of lovers beat as one.

27、The warmth and comfort of your love is like a cozy blanket, wrapping me up in a cocoon of safety and security.

28、Qixi is the perfect time to remember the moments that fill our lives with love.



31、Qixi, a moment in time when our love becomes eternal, like the stars in the sky.

32、As I stand beneath the starry sky, I am filled with a sense of awe at the vastness and beauty of the universe, and the power of our love to overcome all obstacles.


34、I wish upon a star on Qixi night that our love will never falter.

35、Qixi is a chance to write a love story that is as great as the stars in the sky.

36、Even though we may be apart physically, our hearts are forever intertwined, beating in unison, united by our love.





