


英语选修6教案 篇1

1.adjust to sth./doing sth. Adjust oneself to sth. :make oneself suitable for;get used to sth. 适应―――

如:1)The reasonable man adjusts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adjust the world to himself.有理性的人能使自己适应世界;无理性的人力图让世界适应自己。

2) I find it very difficult to adjust myself to the climate here.

Adjustable adj. 可调节的

2.Keep it up : continue doing or trying. 不松劲,坚持下去;在这个短语中,it词意模糊,只是帮助构成习语。

If only he could keep it up, he would break the world record.

又如,在 take it easy (别着急),So it seems.(好像如此)等习语中,it 也没有实际意义。

3.Fit it (with): get along (with) 相处融洽;适应

1) They work hard and fit it well.

2) It is necessary for us to fit in with the times. 与时俱进

4。Six months ago, Xie Lei said goodbye to her family and friends in China and boarded a plane for London. 六个月以前,谢蕾告别中国的家人和朋友,登上了飞往伦敦的飞机。

board n.木板、硬板(用作甲板等)的意思。

On board: in a train, ship, or plane-在火车(轮船、飞机上)

如:They got on board the train.

We almost felt we were on board the spaceship.

V. 1) get on (a bus, a train, plane----) 上(车、船、飞机等)

如:Passengers should board the train now.


When he was in France, he boarded with a French family.

When you went to school. Were you a day student or did you board(=sleep or eat there during school time)?

She boarded (=provide meals and somewhere to sleep for) a university student at her house.

Boarder N.寄宿生 boarding school 寄宿学校

a boarding card 登机卡/登船卡

5. It was the first time she had ever left her home country.

1)the first time 的用法:该句使用了句型“It is+ the+序数词+time+ that从句”, that从句中的谓语常用现在完成时。

2)辨析: the first time与for the first time

the first time 作n. 或conj. for the first time 介词短语用作状语.

如:I thought her honest ___ I met her.

A. first time B. for the first time

C. the first time D. by the first time 选C

这句话的意思是: “第一次和她见面时, 我就认为她诚实。” “第一次”英语为the first time, the first time I met her相当于when I first met her。for the first time的意思是 “作为第一次”。

如: He cast his net for the first time. 他撒了第一网。for the first time的作用相当于一个副词。

3)It’s time for sth. 该做某事了。

It's time that...中, that从句中的谓语动词用过去时或用“should+动词原形”(should不能省略)。

It's time we started. (It's time we should start.)

6.qualification n. 合格证明,资格证书;资格;条件

Do you have any teaching/legal/medical/academic qualification?

Do you have qualifications for teaching English?

= Do you have qualifications to teach English?

2) qualified adj. 有资格的,合格的,胜任的

Tim is now a qualified architect.

What make you think you ‘re qualified for the job?

qualify v. (使)具有资格;(使)合格

Peter has just qualified as a doctor (= passed the exams necessary to become a doctor)

I hope to qualify (= successfully complete a training course ) at the end of the year.

7. She is halfway through the preparation year which most foreign students complete before entering a degree course.

preparation n. 准备

如:The boy was very lazy. He did little preparation for the exam.



be prepared for sth. / to do sth. 对某事做好准备

prepare for sth. / to do sth. 为某事做准备

make preparations for sth. / to do sth. 为某事做准备

prepare sb.(sth.)for sth. / to do sth. 使某人对某事做准备

in preparation 在准备中 make preparation 做准备

8. Xie Lei highly recommends the course.

1)highly adv. 1) 高度的 a highly developed economy 高度发达的经济

2) very 很,非常 highly skilled/intelligent 十分熟练/聪明

辨析: highly和high

high表示空间高度, 通常指物;highly表示程度,相当于much。

The plane was flying high.

I think highly of your opinion.

如:Although he was disabled when he was only ten years of age, yet he aimed ________, for which his classmates spoke ________ of him.

A. high; high B. highly; highly C. highly; high D. high; highly

2).recommend vt.

1) Recommend sth. To sb.=recommend sb. Sth. 向某人推荐某物

He recommended a book to his students.

=He recommended his students a book.

2) recommend sb. for sth. 推荐某人做某事

He will recommend you for the job.

3) recommend sb. as+名词 推荐某人为――

I recommend her as your secretary.

4) recommend doing sth.=advise doing sh. 劝告/建议做某事

He recommended going for a walk after dinner.

5) recommend sb. to do sth. 劝告/建议某人做某事=recommend sb.(should) do sth.

I recommend her to have her eyes examined.=I recommend her that she (should) have her eyes examined.

9. It’s not just study that is difficult. 困难不仅仅在学习方面。

It is (was) 被强调部分+ that (who) +句子其他部分。


如:It is from the sun that we get light and heat.

It was not until I had read your letter that I understood the true state of affairs.

1) It was last night ___ I see the comet.

A. the time B. when C. that D. which

2) It is ten years ___ Miss Green returned to Canada.

A. that B. when C. since D. as

10. You have to get used to a whole new way of life, which can take up all your concentration in the beginning.

get used to习惯做某事。后接名词或doing形式。

I have got used to the local custom.

辨析: be used to do, used to do与 be used to doing

1) be used to do 被用作The table is used to put on things.

2) used to + do:“过去常常”表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在。Mary used to take a walk. (过去常常散步)

3) be used to + doing: 对……已感到习惯,或“习惯于”,to是介词,后需加名词或动名词。Mary is used to taking a walk. (现在习惯于散步)

He used to get up late. But now he is used to getting up early.

take up

1) 占去时间 I won’t take up much of your time. 我不会占用你太多时间。

2) 占去空间 The big bed takes up a lot of room.

3) 从事于,专注于 He took up maths while at school.


take away 拿走,离开; take in sth. 接受 ;take in sb. 欺骗

take off 起飞,取消;take on 呈现,承担;take on sb. 雇用

take over接管;take to 喜欢;take turn 轮流

11. When I got lost and had to ask a passer-by directions, I didn’t always understand。当我迷路,不得不向过路人问路时,我并不是总能明白。

got lost是由“get+过去分词”构成的短语,类似的还有get excited, get married, get hurt, get paid, get dressed, get drunk.

12. Xie Lei lives with a host family who give her lots of good advice.


host vt.& n. 1) 主人 2) 主持人Your host on tonight’s show is Mr Li.

3) 主办, 主持或作为主人接待客人

He will host the 42nd Annual Grammy Awards ceremony.

hostess n. 女主持人,女主人

13. I was numb with shock! 我惊得发呆!

句中with用来表示原因,意为“因为,由于”. Her face was pale with cold.

14. acknowledge v. 接受;承认;认为

1) acknowledge doing sth.

She acknowledged having been frightened.

2) acknowledge + that-clause

She acknowledged that she had been frightened.

3) acknowledge sth.

You must acknowledge the truth of her argument.

They refused to acknowlede the new government.

4) acknowledge-as / to be = to accept or recognizw 承认;认可

She is acknowledged as / to be their best tennis player.

5) in acknowledgement of 承认―――;感谢―――; 以――表谢意

He was given a gold watch in acknowledgement f his work for the company.

15. Besides, as far as he was concerned what other people thought was not the most important thing. 另外,他还说别人的想法不是最重要的事情。

1) besides 用作介词,作“除……之外,还有”; There are five other people besides both of us. 除了我们两人之外,还有五个人。

它还可用作副词,作“还有,而且”解。含有肯定和附加的意思。I don’t want to go out for a walk. Besides, I’m very hungry.我不想出去散步,况且我很饿

比较:We invited every boy student except Bob. 除了鲍勃外,我们邀请了所有的男生。 (鲍勃不包括在内)

Does John know any other foreign language ________ French?

A. except B. but C. besides D. beside

2) concern v. 涉及,关系到, 关心

n. (1) 关系或利害关系之事 (2) 关心,担心

Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you. 别管与自己无关的事。

Our losses are beginning to concern me. 我们的损失使我担心起来。

习惯用法:show concern for sb. 关心某人

She is indifferent to your love for she shows no concern for you.


have no concern with sth. 同某事没有关系I have no concern with your family dispute.你的家庭纠纷与我无关。

be concerned with 涉及,与……有关

He was suspected to be concerned with the bribery case.


be concerned about/for/with…关心…

The mother was so concerned for her hospitalized son that she kept awake for several nights. 这位母亲关心生病住院的儿子, 几夜没有合眼。

3) so/as far as…is concerned. 就……而言

As far as I'm concerned, I should like to say I am not in favor of the plan.

As far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it will matter if we go there tomorrow.

As far as I know 据我所知;远到

As far as I know, he is still working there.

He used to take a walk after supper, often as far as two or three miles.

16. feel/be at home: be comfortable as if one belongs where one is.(象在家一样)舒服自在。

She felt at home on the stage this time, though she seldom appeared.

She was quite at home, because she recognized familiar faces.

17.occupy: take up 占;填满

Is the flat already occupied?

Be occupied with/(in) doing : be busy doing something忙于做某事

He is occupied preparing for the mid-term exams.

Occupy oneself with (in)-忙碌,全神贯注,从事

He occupied himself with/in packing the car.

18.have something/nothing/a lot/much in common (with sb.) 与某人有/没有/有许多共同之处

John and Peter are good friends because they have much in common.

19.deserve:be worthy of; be fit for 值得;应受。

Good work deserves good pay.

One good turn deserves another.以德报德

20. The Andes Mountains running parallel to the coast.安第斯山脉(与沿海地带)平行一直到海岸。

run v. 伸展,延伸 ▲与run相关的短语:

run for it 逃跑; run across 偶然遇见; run after 追赶;

run at 向某人冲去;run into sb. 撞着某人;run off 排出

run over 溢出; run away 逃走

21. Peru has a wide variety of plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle, and abundant wildlife.秘鲁有大量的植物,从沙漠里的小草到大面积的丛林,而且还有大量的野生动物。

abundant adj. (more than enough) 多的;充裕的 be abundant in 富于......,......很丰富

There is abundant evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment.

This coastline is abundant in rare species of plants.

abundance n. 丰富 in abundance 大量,充裕

an abundance of 很多的......

22. Don’t be governed by what other people say.


govern v. 管理,治理

英语选修6教案 篇2




1. Ability goals能力目标

To help the Ss develop their reading ability by skimming for main ideas and car eful-reading for details with the teacher’s guidance.

To get The Ss to master some key words such as witness, abandon, yell, drag, flee and so on.

2. Learning ability goals学能目标

To enable the Ss to talk about animals under the sea.

To help the Ss know the importance of the relationship between animals and humans.



Teaching important points教学重点

Help the Ss know more about animals under the sea as well as the animals’ loyalty and help to human bein gs.

Teaching difficult points教学难点

1. Help the Ss get the main idea and some detailed information by fast-reading and careful-reading.

2. Help the Ss tell apart from Before, During and After in the story.


Step1. Warming Up : Talk about animals under the sea.

1. Have you ever seen some marine animals?

2. What have you seen, and where have you seen them?

I have seen a/some/many…… in/on/from……

amazing marine animals: seal, turtle, dolphin, sea-horse, sea-star, shark, angelfish, jellyfish, lobster, coral

Step2. Fast-reading:

1. Find out the Background Information of the story : writer, career, writing style, time, place, main character.

2. Find out the Main Idea of the passage: What’s the first story mainly about?

Step3. Careful-reading:

1. Clancy had heard of the killer whales that every year killer whales would help whalers catch baleen whales. Did he believe it at first? When did he believe it was a true anecdote?

2. How many paragraphs are there all together in story1? The hunt can be divided into 3 stages.

Stage1: before the hunt: (para. 2-6):

Old Tom’s doing: throwing itself out of … and crashing down again… Why? to tell the whalers…, …by the boat…, circling back to …Why? to lead the whalers…

Whalers’ reaction: Another whaler __________. George _____ ___ _____ Clancy, and Clancy ______ after him. They __________ the boat and ______ ____into the bay.

Stage2&3: Dur ing and after the hunt: (para. 7-9):

Killer whale’s doing: The killers over there are ________ themselves on the top of the whale’s blow-hole to stop it __________; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The killers started ________ between our boat and the whale just like a pack of ____ ___ dogs. When the baleen whale was dead, its body wa s _______ down into the depths of the sea.

Whalers’ reaction: The man in the bow of the boat aimed the harpoon at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot.

Conclusion: They have amazing relationship. They work as a team

Step4 : Summary

Working at the _______station, I had the chance to _________ a baleen whale being attacked by a ______ of k iller whales.

On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was __________ my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. I ran down to the ______ in time to see an enormous animal _________ itself out of the water and then _______________ again. George told me it was Old Tom, who announced there would be a ___________.

Using a _________, we could see a baleen whale _______________ by about six killers. Some are ________ themselves on top of the whale’s __________to stop it breathing; and some others are stopping it _______ out to sea. The whalers aimed the ________ at the whale and then let it go to hit the spot. Being badly ________, the whale soon died. Very soon, its body was ________ by the killers down into the _______ of the sea.



Deal with Exercise 3 in Comprehending . Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion:As a matter of fact, whales are now an endangered animal. Many people are trying to protect them from being hunted. The last whaling station in Australia closed in 1978. But some countries oppose the ban. An d there are still people who hunt whales. What’s your opinion? Are you for or against the banning whaling? Consider the problem carefully and we’ll have a discussion tomorrow.

英语选修6教案 篇3

Unit 2 of Module 7 Language points

班级 姓名 学号 时间 评价

Learning Aims:

1. To learn some language points in this text to enlarge the vocabulary

2. To use the language points when doing the exercises.

Learning Important and Difficult Points:

1. Learn to analyze some long and complicated sentences.

Learning Methods:

1. Learn some phrases by heart.

2. Learn the usage of some words and phrases through self-study and practice.

Learning Procedures:


Ⅰ. 识记短语

1. focus on 聚焦于;集中注意力 2. open up 打开;开拓

3. save one’ life 挽救某人的生命 4. recommend doing sth. 建议做某事

5. take place 发生 6. reduce the risk of 减小… 伤害

7. carry out 实施,进行 8. in contemporary society 在当代

9. increase the length of people’ lives 延长人类寿命

10. increase the standard of people’s health 提高人类的健康水平

11. try … out on 在… 上试用某物 12. make it pure 提纯

13. manage to do 成功做成某事 14. in large quantities 大量地

15. due to 由于 16. widespread use of 广泛使用

17. turn … into 把… 变成 18. wonder drug 神奇药品

II. 重点单词、词组或句子用法探究

1. If you open up any medicine cupnoard in the world, there is a high probability that you will find aspirin and penicillin.

请问这是一个简单句还是复合句__复合句____________ ?这是if 引导的 _条件状语从句, 主句中的that 引导的是____同谓语_______ 从句,用来解释说明___ probability ________ 的内容,在句子中充不充当成分? ___不________________ 。there is a high pribability/ possibility that +从句 译为___很有可能______________________ 。

请问open up 在句子的意思为_______打开_____ , 还可以表示为___开始______拓展____________ 。



With the western provinces _opening up ______________ , people’s living standards have been improved.

2. There is no doubt ____________ he can do a good job of it.

A. whether B. if C. that D. how

3. 昨天他工作到深夜,今天他很有可能会上班迟到。

He worked deep into night. There is a probability that he will be late for work today.

2. Some recipes recommended drinking a tea made from the dried leaves of a particular plant to reduce body pains.

句中的made from 是过去分词作___定语_____ ( 成分 ) 修饰_ a tea ____ 。to reduce body pains 是不定式作_________目的状语_________ ( 成分 ) 。

句中的recommend 意思为______建议__________ 。recommend的用法归类。试着翻译下面的句中找出关于recommend 用法。

(1) He recommended Spain for our next holiday. 我建议我们下次度假去西班牙。

(2) The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet.


(3)Irecommend you to think very carefully before you do anything foolish.


(4) The worker recommended that a new bus station should be bulit.


recommend 还可以表示_______推荐__________ , 常于介词______as ____ 和______for ___ 连用。


(1) She was strongly recommended for the post.__他被强烈推荐担任这个职位。

(2) I should recommend it as a useful reference book.____我推荐他作为一本好的参考书。_

3. It was in 1897 that a European chemist called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced ASA from some other chemicals to make a medicine for his father.

这是一个_____强调句_____ 句型,被强调部分是__ in 1897_____________ 。 强调句型的结构是_________it is 强调部分+ that/who + 句子剩余成分_______________________ ,用来强调句中除__谓语动词_________( 成分 )的任何成分。思考题 不能被强调句强调的成分该用什么形式强调呢?

试着找出文章中另外一个强调句。It was not until World War 2 that two other scientists that managed to use new chemical techniques to purify it .


1. It was on October 1 ________________ new China was founded. (B级)

A. which B. when C. as D. that

2. ---- where did you meet him?

---- It was in the hotel ____________ I was staying. (C级)

A. that B. when C.where D. which

4. Not only has aspirin saved many people’s lives by reducing fever and helping stop pain, but there are also other things that aspirin can help with.

本句中运用了not only … but ( also ) 连接两个分句,意为__不但---- 而且____ , not only 放在句首,第一个分句_倒装______________ , 而后面的句中___不倒装 。


Not only __________ able to escape out of the hotel on fire, but he also helped the fire fighters put out the fire.

A. he was B. was he C. is he D. was he

5.It was over a decade before someone else turned penicillin into the great drug of the 20th century.

本句用了“It was + 一段时间+ before” 结构,表示__多长时间后才

it was not long before … ____不久以后就

it will not be long before … ___不久以后就会

it was two years/days before …____两年之后就

it will be two years/days before… _两年后才


(1) 在过两周Tom 就回来了 It will be two weeks before tom come back .

(2) -- How long do you think it will be _______ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon?

-- perhaps two or three years.

A. when B. until C. that D. before

6. They were able to produce it in large quantities.

句中in large quantities 的意思_大量地________________ , quantities of 意为__________大量的______ , 既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词。“quantities of + 名词”作主语时后面的名词无论是可数名词的复数还是不可数名词,谓语动词用___复数______ ( 单数/复数 )形式。“a quantity of +名词”作主语时,谓语动词要用___单数________ ( 单数/复数 )形式。

思考题: 把下列词组按照所给的类别归类。

a number of / a large amount of / lots of / a lot of / plenty of/ a great deal of/ a great many

只能修饰可数名词复数的___a number of a great many

只能修饰不可数名词的 _______a large amount of a graet deal of

修饰可数名词或者不可数名词________lots of a lot of plenty of

7. Lawrence Craven , a doctor from the USA, is the author of several published reporters, one of which inroduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks by thinning blood.

请问这是一个简单句还是复合句_____复合句_________ ?Lawrence Craven 和 a doctor from the USA 是___同位语_________ 关系,one of which引导______定语___________ 从句,而句中的that引导________同位语______ 从句。


I. 根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文

1. 他没可能通过这次考试。( probability的同位语从句)

___There is no probability that he will pass the test.___

2. 他建议我们尽量多读书。(recommend的用法造尽可能多的句子)

_He recommended that we should read as many books as possible

3. 直到他回来,我才得到这个消息。( not … until 的强调句)

_____________It was not until he came back that I knew the truth.

4. 两个小时之后,我们才能到达那个村庄,。( It be + 一段时间+ before” )

_____It will be 2 hours before we get to the village.___

II. 单项填空

1. The computer was used in teaching. As a result, not only _______ , but students became more interested in the lessons.

A. saved was teachers’ energy B. was teachers’ energy saved

C. teachers’ energy was saved D. was saved teachers’ energy

2. The doctor recommended that you ____________ swim after eating a large meal.

A. would not B. could not C. need not D. should not

3. --- Why does the lake smell terrible ?

-- Because large quantities of water _____________ .

A. have polluted B. is being polluted

C. has been polluted D. have been polluted

4. News came from the school office ______________ Wang Lin had been admitted to Bejing University.

A. which B. what C. that D. where

5. The task ______________ more difficult than we had thought.

A. is proved B. was proved C. proves D. proved

6. He will __________ a plan to the full.

A. carry on B. carrt out C. carry off D. carry through

7. He arrived late _____________ the storm,

A.due to B. because of C. owing to D. all the above

英语选修6教案 篇4


()4. A. Maths B. English C. television

()5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional

1、在机场_______ 2、讲英语_______ 3、在三周时间内_______

4、在晚上_______ 5、在办公室_______ 6、在中国的北部_______

7、试穿这一个______ 8、对、、、很容易_______ 9、在书架C上______

( )1.—_____ did you come back? —We came back last Sunday

( )2. —Whose dress is this? —It’s ____.

( )3. Do you want to be_____ our football team?

( )4. —Can you control the ball? —________________.

A. Thank you B. Very badly, sorry C. You are welcome

( )5. She didn’t _____ an ice cream yesterday .

( )6. I can’t swim _____.

( )7. —______ does school start? —At nine o’clock .

( )8. These chicks can’t______.

( )9. This girl is deaf. She can’t _______.

( )10. Lingling is very good ___ basketball.

( )1.Did you learn music? A.It’me .

( )2.Who is going to go to the airport? B.She had hamburgers.

( )3.How did you go ? C.At ten o’clock.

( )4.What did she have for lunch? D.By bus .

( )5.When are you going to go there ? E.Yes,I,did.

1. you for trip Are ready your (?)




4. you are go going to Where (?)


5. you, thinking about, what, are, ( ? )



This morning my father bought some milk for us . My sister doesn’t likemilk , and she gave her milk to me . I didn’t drink them . I will drink themtonight .

My sister is a very good girl . We are good friends . She studies very hard. And all of us like her very much . She wants to be a teacher .

( )1.Father bought us some milk .

( )2.I gave my milk to my sister .

( )3.I drank my milk .

( )4.My sister studies very hard .

( )5.My sister wants to be a doctor .


Ms Smart and Amy went to a department store last week. Ms Smart wanted tobuy a coat for Amy. They looked at a blue coat. Blue is Amy’s favorite colour.The coat was nice. But it was too big for Amy. The sales assistant took a smallone. But it was white. Amy tried it. That was lovely. Amy liked it very much. Sothey took it.

( ) 1. Where did Ms Smart and Amy go last week?

A. A department store. B. A supermarket. C. Amy’s school.

( ) 2. Ms Smart wanted to buy a ____ for Amy.

( ) 3. What is Amy’s favorite colour?

A. Black. B. White. C. Blue.

( ) 4. The blue coat was too ___ for Amy.

( ) 5. Ms Smart and Amy took the ____ coat.



英语选修6教案 篇5






Bring in 引入;增加 hand in hand 并进;联合

Try out 试验 think up 想出

At the last moment 在最后一刻 get rid of 处理;去掉

Break up分解;腐蚀 break down出毛病;不运转;分解

At one time(以前)有过一段时期

A mountain of/mountains of (一)大堆;大量的

Shut down (放下)关上;关闭(企业等)


(1)Since production in creases,the price can be reduced.

(2)Also present will be a person who thinks up an idea for an advertise


(3)There have been major changes in advertising in the past si-ty years.

(4)No matter how much you want to bathe(in the sea),it just isn’t safe.

(5)I suppose it is better to be safe than sick.

(6)It will be many years before the chemicals start to escape from the containers.





1.I think it would be a good idea to(do sth.)


A:I’m afraid I’m putting on weight.

B:I think it would be a good idea to keep on doing moning e-ercises.

2.Do you think so?


Think等及It appear…,It seems和I’m afraid连用。

“Will they go to see him?”

“I believe so.(I believe[that]they will go to see him.)”

②表示否定时,用not代替so,但在believe,suppose,think等动词之后,如I don’t think(believe,suppose)so等,通常仍可与so连用。


I doubt about it.(√)

I doubt so.(×)

3.agree with同意……,(气候,食物等)适合于某人;和……相一致(常用于否定句)。

The climate here doesn’t agree with me.

Agree to …赞成……

Agree on 就……取得一致意见或看法

4.persuade sb.to do sth.


Persuade sb.into doing sth.


Try to persuade sb.to do sth.

Advise sb.to do sth

①We try to persuade him to stop smoking,but he still smokes now.

②He persuaded me into lending him all my savings.

N.Persuade sb.out of 说明(人)停止,劝阻


His parents persuaded him out of his foolish action.

5.e-press one’s satisfaction with对……表示满意

Be satisfied with对……感到满意

The officials e-pressed their satisfaction with the preparation for the e-hibition.

6.at the top of在……的顶部,上方

At the top of a mountain在山顶

She is (at)the top of her class in French.

At the top of one’s voice高声地,尖声地

7.bring in 把……拿进来;收获;赚入……;获利

They bring in one million dollars a year from their new company.

8.carry out 搬出;进行

①Would you please carry the chairs out?

②The plan should be carried out at once.

9.ask for 要求,请求

Ask sb.for sth.向(某人)请求 (要求)……

She asked for some advice on how to learn English well.

10.It is a waste of time/money to do sth.干……浪费时间(钱)

It’s a waste of time to fi- this watch.

11.instead of,prep.代替……,而不是

I don’t like beer;Please give me cola instead.

12.would say总是会说……

Would有过去、常常……之意,但它与used to 的用法不相同的。

①表示过去持续的状态或感情总是used to 而不是would。因此,would不与表示状态的动词连用。

There used to be a hospital/here.(√)


There would be…(×)

②used to 和would都可以表示过去规则的行为,但通常would是在过去不大规则的行为时,或主语的关心、感慨等主观因素较强时使用,而used to 则在客观地陈述相当期间的规则行为时使用。

“I’ll leave this job for a better one”,he would say when he was scolded by his boss.

③“would”常与“often,sometimes,for hours”等表示时间的副词(短语)连用。

④与现在或将来比较而表示“以前经常……”的意思时,用used to。

He will not have the money to spend on books as he used to.

13.think up 想出,想起(办法等)

The students try to think up an idea to play football without being seen.

Think over熟虑;think out 想出,想透(问题等)

Think of考虑,认为,想起think about 考虑,想出

Think aloud自言自语

14.in the past si-ty years在过去的60年里(常与现在完成时连用)

great changes have taken place in the past few years.

15.start with 以……开始

Today’s class starts with a question.

16.at the last moment在最后关头

At the moment 此刻;正在那时 for a moment片刻;一会儿for the moment 目前,暂时in a moment立刻,马上

17.point out 指出(to+n.)

The teacher pointed out my mistakes to me.



He quietly pointed his gun at the deer.

18.be crowded with 挤满……

Crowded 还可作adj.

The bus was crowded with people.

A crowded train(street)

(交通拥挤是heavy[busy]traffic,不能说crowded traffic)

19.admire sb.for…佩服某人的……

We admire him for the boy’s courage.

Be shocked

20. be astonished at sth.(to do,从句)

Be surprised



Search for:look for寻找

The police searched the room for the thief.

22.remind sb.+than-clause.使人想起(某事),提醒

remind sb.to do sth.使(某人)想起做(某事);提醒某人做(某事)

I reminded him to work hard.

23.It looks as if…看起来好象……

It seems as if…似乎……It seems that…It appears as if/that…

It looks as if it’s going to snow.

24.no matter how 无论怎样……引导让步状语从句。

类似的no matter who,no matter what,no matter when,no matter where…ect.

No matter what he says,I won’t believe him.

25.suppose+that-clause 以为,假如

Suppose vt.以为,猜想,假定

Suppose sb.+(to be)+adj./n


①I supposed that she was an English teacher.

②All the students supposed him to be the headmaster.

26.not+adj./adv.+enough+不定式 不够……,(以致)不能……

大体相当于 too…to …

He is not old enough to go to school.

(=He is too young to go to school.)

27.deal with 对付,处理(常与疑问代词how连用)

do with处理(常与疑问副词what)

She knows well how to deal with her parents.

28.get rid of 除去,除掉,摆脱(疾病等麻烦事物)

How can I get rid of the pain in the chest?

29.break up驱散;分散,破坏(关系)

Break down毁坏;分体;故障

The police used teargas to break up the demonstration.

30.against the law违反法律

Be against反对,违反

Be for赞成,支持

Abraham Lincoln was strongly against slavery.

31.at the bottom of 在……底部,下端

At the bottom of a hill在山脚下

She is always at the bottom of the class.

32.at one time 往昔;曾有一时

At one time there wer not so many cars on the streets.

33.set up建立,设立,创设

A new government was set up after the civilwar.

34.fight against(with)与……战斗

Fight for 为……战

Fight against与……搏斗

35.seek to 尝试,试图


Seek for(after)+n.找寻


We must seek (for)a solution to the problem.

36.be active in在……方面很积极

Take an active part in积极参加

①He was active in helping others.

②He takes an active part in all kinds of sports.

37.multiply A by B A乘以4。

mulitiply 3 by 4.3乘以4。

4 multiplied by 2 is 8.

38.take out去除(污点等)(本课的用法)


my parents are taking me out to a show tonight.

You will have to have the tooth taken out.

39.shut down关闭……;停止营业

①This factory has shut down.

②Shut down the window.

Shut off 关掉

40.be disappointed with(at,about)对……失望

I was disappinted at (in,with)the result.

Be disappointed to do做……而感到失望

His uncle was disappointed to hear the news.

英语选修6教案 篇6

本单元的中心话题是“自由战士”(freedom fighters),听、说、读、写始终围绕这一主题展开。语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕“freedom fighters)这一中心话题进行设计的。课文讲述了美国黑人争取自由的历史,从而说明自由、平等的重要性。同时也表达了对那些为自由和平等权利而献身的勇士们的敬仰。

“热身”(Warming up)部分设计了三个讨论题,使人们对马丁·路德·金和曼德拉这两位为黑人自由和平等权利而斗争的领袖人物的人生经历有所了解,通过讨论,增强对他们国家目前现状的了解。

“听力”(Listening)部分是在“热身”活动的基础上,以听力训练形式进一步帮助学生了解马丁·路德·金,听力中节选了的“I HAVE A DREAM”的部分句子。练习包括四个项目,设计多样,生动有趣。第四题有利于培养学生用英语进行总结概括自己思想的能力。

“口语”(Speaking)部分设计了两个问题,第一题以三人小组的活动形式,组织学生谈论约翰·布朗(John Brown)和哈丽特·塔布曼(Harriet Tubman)的人生经历,引人深思,使学生能用英语阐述自己的意见。第二题以诗歌形式出现,有利于寓教于乐,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。




“语言学习”(Language study)部分分词汇和语法两部分,词汇部分第一题要求学生用课文中的词填空。第二题要求学生区分各种词类的具体用法。语法部分是复习被动语态的用法,练习紧密联系课文,能加深学生对教材的理解。

“综合技能”(Integrating skills)的阅读文不仅谈论人类为自由、平等而斗争,还谈到了动植物、海洋、地球,甚至机器和机器人的权利。在阅读和讨论的基础上,要求学生写出自己的看法。这是一个任务型的学习活动,练习生动有趣,能够引起学生的兴趣。同时让学生在实践中体验“自由”的内涵,有助于提高他们的语言概括能力。(摘自教参)

重点词和词组:freedom, civil, revolution, slavery, abolish, put…into prison, racial, discrimination, join hands, set an example to , regardless of , at first sight, etc.

句型:What happened first was that …

What happened as a result of …

You could expect …because…

That led to …

One of the reasons why … is …

… is often followed by …


在认知策略培养方面,引导学生进一步了解史实和具体事件,加深对种族及种族歧视、不同国家、不同历史年代人物与事件等的认识和理解。另外,课前、课后鼓励学生利用网络和图书馆搜集相关资料,善于获得学习资源,充分利用学习资源,如:进入美国歌曲Glory, Glory, Hallelujah; Blowing In The Wind; We Shall Overcome及文化背景网页、斯坦福大学网页等获得有关马丁-路德演说录音和部分黑人运动歌曲。在另一方面,着重培养情感策略,激励学生热爱民主、平等、和平、自由、守法,积极上进、奋斗创新。

Period 1:Warming-up and Listening

Period 3-Period 4:pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading

Period 1 Warming-up & Listening

英语选修6教案 篇7

Unit 5 Reading language points

1. keep it up 坚持下去,再接再厉

keep up with

If he could keep it up, he would break the world record.

2. fit in (with …) 相处融洽;适应

They work hard and fit in well (with each other).

It’s necessary for us to fit in with the times. 我们必须与时俱进。

3.board vt. 上船,上飞机(board the ship/the plane);

vi. 食宿;寄宿 board with/at…family

board n. 木板;甲板---on board=in a train, ship or plane

上船(动作):board the ship =go/get on board the ship=go aboard the ship

状态:be on board

They got on board the train.=they boarded the train.

We almost felt we were on board the spaceship.

When he was in France, he boarded with a French family.

Compare: board/ aboard/ broad/ abroad

go aboard the ship=board the ship

broad 宽阔的

abroad 外国的 study abroad; at home and abroad

4. It was the first time she had ever left her motherland.

It/this is the first/second/third time that sb has/have done sth

It/this was the first/second/third time that sb had done sth


It is the first time that I have spoken to foreign guests, so I feel nervous.


It was the first time I had visited such a beautiful place.

5. Xie Lei highly recommends it.

highly: 高度地(抽象);如果是空间的高,则用high

(wide; close; deep)

recommend: 推荐---- ~ sth to sb =~sb sth

~ sb for a job/position

建议(用法=advise)~ sb to do

~ doing

~ that sb (should) do …

6. as/so far as… 就。。。而言;在。。。范围; 远至。。。,直到。。。

So far as the weather is concerned, I do not think it will matter if we go there tomorrow.

As far as I know, he is still working there.

As far as he was concerned, he was satisfied with your answer.

He used to take a walk after supper, often as far as two or three miles.

The children walked as far as the lake.

7. feel/be at home (像在家一样)舒服自在

She felt at home on the stage this time, though she seldom appeared.

She was quite at home, because she recognized familiar faces.

8. I have been so occupied with work that I haven’t had time for social activities.

occupy: 占,填满---Is the flat already occupied?

be occupied with sth=be busy with sth

be occupied (in) doing sth=be busy doing sth=be engaged in doing sth

He is occupied preparing for the mid-term exams.

9. We wish Xie Lei all the best in her new enterprise.

wish sb sth=may sb do sth

10. deserve +sth; +代词;+to do(to be done)

Good work deserves good pay.

His behavior deserves punishment.(to be punished/ punishing)

His hard work deserves all that happened to him.

11. apply to sb for sth 向某人申请某个(工作,职位)

apply… to sth 运用

12. take up 占据(时间,空间);开始从事某种活动

13. in the beginning =at first 起初

Everything is difficult in the beginning.

14. get lost 迷路,走失 get+done

15. hand in 上交 hand out

16. get a good mark 得到高分

17. I was numb with shock.(表示原因)

18. lack confidence 缺少自信=be lacking in confidence

19. After getting my visa I was very excited because I had dreamed of this day for so long.

….explained Xie Lei, who had lived all her life in the same city in China.

She told me that she had had to learn almost everything again.

First of all, he told me, I couldn’t write what other people had said withought acknowledging them.

Had done: 过去的过去(有个过去时相对比)


1. 他的努力应该得到奖赏,因此在学习上他取得了很大的进步。(deserve)

2. 她找到住房(flat)之前,住在我家。(board)

3. 飞机就要起飞了,请还没上机的乘客马上登机。(board)

4. 我以前从没做过这种工作,我不知道是否能与其他同事相处好。(fit in)

5. 这已经是我第三次看这本书了,因为我觉得这本书很有趣。

(it is the ..time that ….)

6. 他十岁的时候开始打篮球, 现在已经是个顶级选手了。

(take up)

7. 天气这么冷,她的手指冻木了。(with)

8. 就我个人而言,每个人的贡献,不管多小,都会对环境的改善有影响。(as fas as…)

9. 他整天忙于工作,抽不出时间和孩子一起交流。(be occupied with…)

10. 我到时,简刚刚离开。真遗憾这次没有见到她。(时态)




